How to
share event photos ?

Save the hassle of photo sharing for you and your client.
Place QR code in the event and distribute photos with ease.
With the power of Face Recognition easily search for your photos.
Start for Free
Face Recognition Gallery

Post Event Share

How it works?

1. Upload Event Photos

Create Event, for eg. Virat & Anushka
Upload Event Photos in the event
1. Upload Event Photos

How it works?

2. Share Event Link

Share secured gallery link with the clients
You can control the access and privacy of the gallery
2. Share Event Link

How it works?

3. Guest Upload Selfie

Guests can access the link and browse the gallery
They can find their photo by simply uploading a selfie
3. Guest Upload Selfie

How it works?

4. Get Photos

Foto Owl AI will instantly search all your guests photos from thousands of photos within seconds.
They can enjoy their best candid photos, after all happy guest = good reviews
4. Get Photos

How it works?

1. Upload Event Photos

Create Event, for eg. Virat & Anushka
Upload Event Photos in the event
1. Upload Event Photos

How it works?

2. Share Event Link

Share secured gallery link with the clients
You can control the access and privacy of the gallery
2. Share Event Link

How it works?

3. Guest Upload Selfie

Guests can access the link and browse the gallery
They can find their photo by simply uploading a selfie
3. Guest Upload Selfie

How it works?

4. Get Photos

Foto Owl AI will instantly search all your guests photos from thousands of photos within seconds.
They can enjoy their best candid photos, after all happy guest = good reviews
4. Get Photos

How it works?

1. Upload Event Photos

Create Event, for eg. Virat & Anushka
Upload Event Photos in the event
1. Upload Event Photos

How it works?

2. Share Event Link

Share secured gallery link with the clients
You can control the access and privacy of the gallery
2. Share Event Link

How it works?

3. Guest Upload Selfie

Guests can access the link and browse the gallery
They can find their photo by simply uploading a selfie
3. Guest Upload Selfie

How it works?

4. Get Photos

Foto Owl AI will instantly search all your guests photos from thousands of photos within seconds.
They can enjoy their best candid photos, after all happy guest = good reviews
4. Get Photos

Pre Event Share

How it works?

1. Place QR

Place the QR code at the venue, near entrance or a place accessible by the guests
1. Place QR

How it works?

2. Scan & Register

Guests can Scan and Register in the event
They can register their selfie as well
2. Scan & Register

How it works?

3. Upload & Publish

Upload the photos whenever they are ready after the event
Publish the Gallery to make it live for guests
3. Upload & Publish

How it works?

4. Get Photos

Registered guest will get the link by Email and SMS
Guests registered with selfie will get their own photos as well
4. Get Photos

How it works?

1. Place QR

Place the QR code at the venue, near entrance or a place accessible by the guests
1. Place QR

How it works?

2. Scan & Register

Guests can Scan and Register in the event
They can register their selfie as well
2. Scan & Register

How it works?

3. Upload & Publish

Upload the photos whenever they are ready after the event
Publish the Gallery to make it live for guests
3. Upload & Publish

How it works?

4. Get Photos

Registered guest will get the link by Email and SMS
Guests registered with selfie will get their own photos as well
4. Get Photos

How it works?

1. Place QR

Place the QR code at the venue, near entrance or a place accessible by the guests
1. Place QR

How it works?

2. Scan & Register

Guests can Scan and Register in the event
They can register their selfie as well
2. Scan & Register

How it works?

3. Upload & Publish

Upload the photos whenever they are ready after the event
Publish the Gallery to make it live for guests
3. Upload & Publish

How it works?

4. Get Photos

Registered guest will get the link by Email and SMS
Guests registered with selfie will get their own photos as well
4. Get Photos